My dog targets younger dogs at our local dog park - HELP!

Customer FAQ's and Dog Training Collars


minutes read


04 Dec 2024

Q.  My 16 month old german shepherd is desexed and targets younger dogs at our local dog park, aggressively chasing them down.  This causes distress to the dog owner, their dog and to myself. I believe an e-collar would help correct this behaviour but am unsure which one would be suitable for my needs. Please help us!


A.  A dog training e collar can be used in this type of circumstance.  Developing a good recall and getting the dog to return to you if any of this bad behaviour develops, would be the basis of your training.


It is important we have a chat about your situation so that we can get the right type of training collar, as well as give you some vital advice.  Please call 1300 668 931 when convenient so that we can discuss this further.


Read more about our article on Dog Parks here!