Is there an Electric Dog Fence that can also be used for cats?

Customer FAQ's and Dog Containment


minutes read


04 Dec 2024

Q.  I'm looking at purchasing an electric dog fence system.  Is there one that works with cats, or do I need to purchase a separate system?  Also, can I adjust the strength of the fence to suit different sized dogs?


A.  There are certainly a couple of fences that can be used for cats, the best being the DogWatch Hidden Fence, view here - - The cat collar is a tiny receiver, the same we use for 2-5kg dogs.  The collar has adjustable levels of static stimulation, which begin at a very low stimulation point and can be increased to match the dog or cats drive.  There are also stronger collar receivers available for dogs of differing sizes.  The DogWatch fence caters for all cats and dogs from about 4 months of age.