Our Maltese X scratches at the doors, windows and fence. Will a Training Collar help stop this?

Customer FAQ's and Dog Training Collars


minutes read


04 Dec 2024

Q.  I am looking for something for an 8yr old maltease X who scratches the colourbond fence, Windows & door. We have worked with a dog trainer, however catching him and providing a consequence isn't possible as he hears us coming & it's happily sitting waiting for us, I was thinking of a training collar. Do you think this will work & what would you suggest?


A.  A remote training collar would certainly be the best unit to control unwanted scratching at the door or fencing.  You would be able to correct the behaviour from whichever room you are in, not giving the dog the chance to hear you coming in the first place.  The remote training collars are very effective for sharpening up commands and ironing out any behavioural niggles the dog presents.


This is the best short range trainer to consider:

Dogtra iQ Plus


The basic PetSafe trainers are good for yard or on lead training, though they generally don’t have enough range to correct a dog through from another room in the house.  I would only consider this Dogtra unit or something with more range to ensure consistent correction from wherever you are in the house.