Summer dog dangers are here - What you can do for your dog!

Informative Articles and News & Informative Articles


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16 Apr 2024

In most parts of Australia Summer has come earlier than usual. Along with that, the usual summer dangers for our dogs and other pets are here as well.


If your dog is bitten by a venomous snake, it may display a number of the following signs:

-  Sudden weakness followed by collapse.
-  Shaking or twitching of the muscles.
-  Vomiting.
-  Dilated pupils not responsive to light.
-  Blood in the urine.
-  In the later stages, paralysis may occur.

A number of factors contribute to the impact of a snake bite, including the type of snake, how much venom was released and the amount of time since the snake last struck.

However, around 80% of pets will survive a snake bite if they are treated quickly. The recovery time is usually around 24 to 48 hours. However, with some pets, it can take longer, depending on the severity of the bite and toxins.

IMPORTANT: If your pet is bitten by a snake, DO NOT try to catch or kill the snake. If possible, take a photo from a safe distance and this can be used to identify the snake. The last thing you should be doing is placing yourself at risk, it is more important to get your pet rested quickly. Remember, All Australian snakes are protected.

Dogs have a curious nature. So when you are exercising your dog around bushland (particularly near water) or near beach dunes during the warmer months of the year,  be sure to use a leash.


We are facing a very aggressive Tick Season!

Tick reports are more common around late spring and throughout summer, particularly in Australia’s eastern states. The last two years have provided near perfect breeding conditions for ticks, thanks to the rain and high humidity levels.

With this spring already being extremely warm, ticks are more common than in past seasons. Check your pets regularly this spring and summer and be sure to use recommended tick removal products.

Heat Stress

It is shaping up to be a hot spring and a very hot summer! Pets can suffer from heat stroke, which has the potential to be life-threatening. During this time it is important to ensure that your pets have the following:

-  A shady place to escape direct sunlight and the heat
-  Fresh, cool water is readily available
-  Ensure the kennel is in a shady area of the yard

As dogs and cats don’t have the ability to sweat to cool down. They pant and release heat through their paws. Panting can be impaired as the temperature rises through spring and summer.

Heat stroke can show up in your pets as the following symptoms;

-  Excessive panting
-  Drooling
-  Distress
-  Collapse

It’s also important to note that certain breeds like Pugs, Staffordshire Bullterriers and Bulldogs may be more vulnerable, due to their shorter nose and upper airway. If your dog has a thick heavy coat, like Samoyeds & golden retrievers, it is also advisable to groom them regularly during these months and keeping the coat as short as possible, this will also assist with daily paralysis tick searching.

Another little trick is to freeze some water with some dog treats in a used plastic soft drink bottle.

After freezing cut off the plastic bottle and leave the frozen 'ice block' for your dog to enjoy.

Most importantly access to shade and a fresh supply of clean drinking water will always get a dog through summer!  Check out our great range of filtered water drinking fountains here.

If you have any questions about these products be sure to give us a call!