When it comes to choosing between a variety of bark collarshidden fence or in ground fence systems or the right remote training collar, it’s true not all dogs are created equal.

At Bark Control Australia we make available to you a wide variety of innovative products so that you can find the right match for your pet. However, we also know it can be confusing choosing the right product when there are several to choose from.

For example we offer a variety of barking solutions for dogs. If you have made up your mind on a barking collar, you then need to choose from static correction, citronella, lemon spray or sonic collars. Then you need to consider the size of your dog, waterproof versus weatherproof, rechargeable versus replaceable batteries, levels of correction, quality...the list can go on.

Here are a few simple tips for any training product:

  1. Any sonic collar is only suitable for very small dogs or pups. Even then their success rate is not great. Citronella collars and Lemon Spray collars are fairly successful amongst many household pets but not so amongst larger working breeds that can be categorized as more stubborn. Static correction collars have a 98-99% success rate and are regarded as the most successful solution in most scenarios. Whether it is for a bark collar, containment system or remote control collar.
  2. If your dog is small (say under 5 kg) than a big heavy collar may not be right for you either. Your dog may stop barking because it cannot lift its head off the ground! Luckily PetSafe have recently released a series of small dog collars in a Nano Static Bark Collar and a Little Dog Spray Bark Collar, as well as a Nano Containment System for small dogs. We recommend you check out these products if you have a small breed. Conversely the large dog breed owner may need a collar that can offer higher correction levels when required.
  3. No matter the product if your dog enjoys a splash in the water or a swim in the dam stay away from any collar that is not waterproof!!
  4. Replacing batteries can be an inconvenience in any collar. However batteries need replacing less often than charging a rechargeable unit in most cases. Rechargeable collars often need to be replaced after any battery warranty expires if they fail, adding to the expense. Re-chargeable vs buying batteries is often a personal choice. There isn’t a right or wrong!!
  5. If your budget allows, quality products are always best. However you need not be paying for features in a product that you simply do not need. If you live in a suburban house block, do you need a containment system that can cover up to 40 hectares? If you are trying to keep your small dog from digging in the garden, do you need a remote control collar that can be utilized up to 1.5km from your dog? Probably not!! However there are some hunting or working dog owners that do.

ONE LAST TIP: If you are unsure as to the best barking solution for your dog, the rightcontainment system to stop your dog escaping or the most suitable remote training collar for your training needs, don’t guess... we are here to help you. We do welcome your calls and emails.

We understand that when you deal with us you need your dog behavioural problems rectified quickly. Often very quickly!! Don’t be frustrated by needing to return products that do not work for your dog or your circumstances.

Getting the right product for you, from the start is our number one priority!